Transparent Ethical AI
Unleashing the power of Evolution
Kartezio is a French (Toulouse) academic project
Transparent AI
For Biomedical Image Processing
Kartezio is an evolutionary designer of customized and fully transparent image processing algorithms composed of discrete functions that are understandable by humans.
Key Features
Unlike black-box algorithms, models evolved by Kartezio are composed of simple, discrete functions that are fully understandable by humans.
These fully interpretable models can be exported and shared to facilitate peer review and regulatory oversight.
Kartezio achieves high performance on images ranging from extracellular particles to whole tumor nodules.
Kartezio is designed to be used by everybody, with few hardware requirements and few annotated images.
Low ecological footprint for your model development.
Data Privacy
Kartezio runs locally on your own desktop, so your data never leaves your computer.
Model Transparency
Our white-box Algorithms are composed of discrete functions that are understandable by humans
Kartezio Desktop Application
Currently under development
Create your own customized, high-performance algorithms for Image Processing.